Dedicated to the study,
appreciation, and conservation of the
native flora and natural communities of Illinois

The Illinois Native Plant Society Reseach Fund

Developed to promote the conservation of Illinois native plants and communities through scientific research through annual grant awards


Plant Profile: A Handful of Hibiscus Seed

By Henry Eilers On August 19 at 9 am we met at Glenn and Nancy Savage’s place on Quail Lane to view their amazing and extensive prairie and wetland restorations.[…]

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Annual Gathering 2024: Tribute to Schulenberg Prairie

by Susanne Masi It all came together beautifully. After much planning and organizing by the Northeast Chapter Board and Annual Gathering Committee, coordinated by Kevin Scheiwiller and his support team:[…]

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Braidwood Dunes Field Trip July, 2024

Members went to Braidwood Dunes and Savanna on a lovely Sunday, July 21 st . But for me andVlad Nevirkovets, the excitement started before the field trip. Vlad had contacted[…]

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Langham Island Field Trip June 29, 2024

Langham Island Field Trip: On June 29 th the KNK Torrent Chapter went to Langham Island to see one ofthree (?) species known only from Illinois (a.k.a. endemic). One is[…]

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