2024 INPS Research & Survey Grant Applications are now live!

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

2024 INPS Research & Survey Grant Applications are now live!

Students, citizen scientists, and conservation groups are invited to consider applying for an INPS Research Grant for up to $3000 to fund one-year projects.  This grant is for research studies on Illinois native plants such as life history, reproductive biology, demography, genetics, comparative site inventories, or habitat ecology; research on threats to native plants and communities, such as invasive species, are acceptable. Laboratory research on native plants, as well as projects focused on research relating to education about or restoration of native plants or communities are also eligible.   

INPS will continue its second grant in 2024: the Survey Grant.  This grant for up to $5000 will fund searches for Illinois Endangered, Threatened or several rare plant species of conservation concern for which current data is inadequate to assess their status and for which field surveys, and recovery recommendations, are needed. INPS worked with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to develop a priority list of species for the Survey Grant.  Experienced botanical field surveyors, either independent or associated with an institution, are invited to apply for this grant.  Partnerships are encouraged.   

Applications are due by January 31, 2024.  Awards will be announced by March 31, 2024.

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