Homepage News

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

2020 Illinois Indigenous Plants Symposium – Save the Dates

April 3-5, 2020 Click here for more information and registration details.

2020 Illinois Indigenous Plants Symposium

2020 Illinois Indigenous Plant Symposium Has Been Cancelled In response to the emerging COVID-19 situation and in line with the advice of health officials to minimize exposure by limiting large gatherings, we have decided to cancel the 2020 Illinois Indigenous Species Symposium that was to be held at John A Logan college April 4th along…
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Five years of Progress on Horn Prairie

I was just going through prairie photos, thinking about Henry Eilers and how far recognition of our Prairie has come over the past 5 years! As they say: “time flies when you are having fun!” It was mid to late December of 2014 when I received an email from one HENRY EILERS. I had no…
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Proposed changes to the Illinois Endangered and Threatened Plant Species List

Every five years, the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board’s (IESPB) Illinois Endangered Species Technical Advisory Committee (ESTAC) meets to discuss potential changes to the status of Illinois plants and makes recommendations for state listing, delisting, or status changes.

A note from Horn Prairie

We had a fantastic year at the Horn Prairie with abundant rainfall all summer long. The entire 40 acre site was burned in March of 2019, and the prairie ALWAYS blooms better after a good burn. We hosted two prairie tours for INPS this past season with great turn out both times. We were very…
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2020 Research Grants Announcement

Students, citizen scientists, conservation groups and institutions are alerted to consider applying for a grant ranging from $500-$1500 to fund one-year projects. The grant is for research-focused studies on Illinois native plants such as life history, reproductive biology, demography, genetics, comparative site inventories, community ecology, as well as research on threats to native plants and…
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2020 Annual Gathering Save the Date

June 26-28, 2020 Each year the members of the Illinois Native Plant Society come together for several days of exploring natural areas and learning about the native plants of the region, with food, fun, and fellowship. This year the Annual Gathering will be hosted by the Grand Prairie Chapter. Details to follow!

Southern Chapter 2019 Holiday Dinner and Award Ceremony

Southern Chapter 2019 Holiday Dinner and Award Ceremony Save the date, Dec. 7, and join the Southern Chapter of the INPS for our 2019 Holiday Dinner and Awards Ceremony. All proceeds from the dinner will benefit our conservation fund, which will be dedicated towards conservation projects in southern Illinois. Click Here for more information

Plant Profiles: In Defense of ‘Weeds’ (Native ones!)

Better start out with a definition of ‘weeds’ first. That means something quite different, whether you are an industrial farmer or a lawn obsessed suburbanite. Even polling our readers might yield wildly different definitions! One of my few favorite Facebook pages is ‘Illinois Botany’. Some visitors to the site barely know the difference between dandelions…
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Plant Profile: A Glimpse of the Distant Past

After a hiatus of several years I have again be collecting seeds for the Chicago Botanical Gardens SOS Millennium Seed Bank Partnership. They issued a priority list but were looking for other species as well. Apparently, there have been few collectors for the Southern Illinois Tillplain Region.  Not all species are easy to collect, for…
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