Sponsored Membership

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

The Illinois Native Plant Society recognizes that not everyone has the same ability to pay for membership to our organization. To reduce the cost barrier of INPS membership for those with limited income, as of 2021, we now offer a no-cost membership option based on the honor system. After submission of the form below, an INPS board member will reach out to confirm your membership or answer any questions you may have.

Individuals may apply for the sponsored membership program for two consecutive years with reevaluation based on circumstances in subsequent years. The total number of sponsored memberships we are able to offer is dependent on our available budget and assessed on an annual basis.

Donations to the INPS General Fund facilitate the continuation of this program.

Sponsored Membership

  • What is your interest in native plants and natural communities of Illinois? Are you currently involved in this field? If so, how?
  • By typing "yes" below, you agree that you would not be able to join INPS without this free membership opportunity.
  • Many INPS activities (field trips, workshops, etc.) take place at the chapter level. Selecting a primary chapter puts you on the mailing list of the chapter so you will be notified about these activities.
  • Besides the primary chapter affiliation, you can affiliate with as many additional chapters as you would like (or none). Affiliating with additional chapters means you will receive notifications of those chapter events.

  • Chapter locations